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"don't wait for the perfect moment but take the moment and make it perfect"

ϟ One Direction ϟ


Template was made by Miichiko. Thanks to Pixel-diary for the cute pixels and icons.Thanks to IntanAqilah for editing this blog.

Saturday 12 April 2014 | 0 comments
Hi guys!

Ego. Egois. Egoistik.

Nak cakap orang ego, sedar tak sedar diri sendiri tu pun ego.

"Ego is just like a dust in the eye... without clearing the dust you can't see anything clear... so clear the ego and see the world."

Ego, pernah tak korang gaduh dan mintak maaf dekat orang tu even salah korang or bukan? Kalau pernah tu, baguslah :) tapi, kalau tak pernah tu, itulah ego. Ada dalam diri korang. How to throw your ego? Tbh, easy. Zikir banyak'2, istighfar, insya Allah boleh :))


"Each and everyone one of us, as humans, was gifted with an ego when we were born. The ego's sole purpose is to convince us that we are separate-from each other -and from Divinity." - Janet Louise Stephenson